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Amazonia : Mitú-Vaupés




Indigenous communities from Mitú


¡ A tribal birding is what we'll have !

Just when the plane is arriving to Mitú you will notice this is not any land, it is a mythical territory, inhabited for more than 42 ethnic groups, their ancestral agricultural practice have sustained the jungle and its birds.

The Forest of white sands blushed by red wine waters holds bird species associated only to this ecosystem: The impressive Fiery topaz, Grey bellied Antbird confined to the Orinoco-Negro White-sand Forest Endemic Bird Area, Imeri Warbling- Antbird, Chesnut-crested Antbird an excellent representative of the professional antbirds, Spot-backed and Yellow-throated Antwrens, Brown-banded Puffbird, Orinoco Piculet, Pompadour and Purple-brested Cotingas, Tawny-tufted more, will be a sweet dessert for your eyes.

The Guiana rocky shield makes its presence by small Tepuyes, which feet hold leks of the Guianan-cock-of- the-rock and the Cliff Flycatcher on its top invites you to contemplate impeccable views of the green carpet.  The jungle at its highest expression!  What about a sunset over there?

“Any description will not honor it properly.”

While Varsea and Terra firme forests contribute with other jewels of the rich Amazonia  

Not doubt bird species here will take you to another birding level !

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